Quote of the Day

Friday, September 24, 2010

CWG and ways of Govt.

2010 Common Wealth Games MascotImage by nk. 
Common Wealth Games 2010 has been marred with several controversies. yet the OC seems unperplexed and govt seems caught unaware, while common man and other nations seem bewildered.

Most surprising the way govt. has handles this project. While most of the funds have been drained away, Now govt. wants Indian authorities to serve for FREE! More than 400 doctors have been asked to give them their service. At first, it seems normal. But here's the catch. The doctors have been asked forcefully to pen down their signature on the compulsory service form. Moreover, they will receive no exgratia and travel allowance, they have to bear all expenses by themselves.

SCOPE building in New Delhi housing Head-offices of Maha-Ratnas of the country like NTPC, ONGC etc. has been ordered to be vacatewd for accomodation of CWG officials. Gosh! And the top-brass of the companies have been left to make their own arrangements for office during this fortnight of CWG. "wtf"!! I mean which country spends thousand crores on builing 40 towers for CWG village, and then asks it's premium offices in capital to be vacated for accomodation ? This can happen only in utterly mis-managed India.

Well, maybe things are not so mismanaged, And that's what a foreign journalist who has a blog on cwg2010, would like to think so. According to her, when she first arrived at Delhi, she was greeted by beggars and cows on streets of Delhi. But after she returned from her one week tour of nearby Agra and Mathura, she couln't find a single beggar or cow loittering down on streets!! Ha! That's the great Indian trick..! And our govt. has mastered that not in a week, but it takes years of practice before every general or state elections. Moreover guests are considered God in India (with few exceptions of Rape, murder, stealing, ill-beahaving by police etc. of foreign tourists in Goa and elsewhere), so we have to welcome them with clean homes, streets and people ! So what if big CWG hoardings were used just to hide slums. theworkers who toiled hard to make cwg a success were kicked off and beggars transferred to other less important parts of national capital region. See, we are not such bad event managers afterall.

© 2010 SOMYA HARSH,. all rights reserved
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Friday, September 17, 2010

Letter to Editor of CNN-IBN Special:"Is there an anti-Muslim bias in urban housing societies?"

From: Somya Harsh (somya.harsh@yahoo.in)
To: editor@ibnlive.com;
Date: Fri, 17 September, 2010 11:12:51 AM
Subject: "CNN-IBN Special: Is there an anti-Muslim bias in urban housing societies?"- ill timed!!
This is regarding CNN-IBN Special: Is there an anti-Muslim bias in urban housing societies?
aired on CNN-IBN on 16th September.
The program and survey conducted was ill-timed and almost needless, looking at present Geo-political and socially degraded conditions in J & K, other parts of India and across the worldAdding to that there have been rumors and stories going on of suspected terrorists roaming in Mumbai , 12 cities of India on militant targets. And AYODHYA Case Verdict due to come on 24th Sep.
Being an young and alert citizen of India, and avid fan of CNN-IBN, I was shocked and baffled to see your channel coming with such news special in these "tense times".The channel known for it's journalistic values and high credentials, must not instigate any communal differences which would further aggravate already weak and murky conditions of j & K and all over India. The channel must also be aware of the fact, that the reportage would have been aired all across the border and across the continents. just like Salman's interview on Pak channel created turmoil in India, the same could happen with this Special Survey Report in Muslim populous states and nations, And aid anti-India forces to yet again fuel the fire in hearts of terrorists and locals citing this story.  This may not be evident, but such reportage by a Eminent Indian News Channel of yours in such bad times could be fatal in long run.

Maybe am hyperventilating, but I hope you have got hold of my concerns and do take some remedial measures to counter any damage(seen or unseen) which may have already happened among the masses. Please try and propagate UNITY and PEACE, rather than discovering new reasons for differences. Show the world the examples of Hindu Muslim living in peace and let them emulate you. Am not suggesting the channel to be hypocrite, but the news should not in any case be a shot in arm for the anti-India forces. , in these terrible times.
Let's try and be messenger of peace. This will be a great service to our nation and world.

your avid fan till now,
23 yrs
ghaziabad (u.p.)

© 2010 SOMYA HARSH,. all rights reserved
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Friday, September 10, 2010

Old is Gold..

Old is gold,
life is unfold,
youth's been spent and its been sold,
so much has been heard and so much has been told,
body has attained its ultimate mold,
summers are more hot and winters are more cold,
physique become lean and thoughts become bold,
experience weighs more than body weight and you often scold,
it's the time you realize futility of materialistic life,
get closer to nature and spirituality gets hold,
finally the fast paced life reaches a destination - wold,
All said and done.. they are our respectful elders,
and should be cared of affectionately,
rather than being merely doled.
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